“We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious … and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

— Walt Disney

What’s next, Vannessa?

Walt Disney is someone I’m really inspired by. He’s one of my favorite people to quote. He said, "Disneyland will never be completed, as long as there is imagination left in the world." Well, in life, there’s always room for growth.

Here, I share with you my ideas, dreams, works in progress, the future of Love Always, Vannessa.

There is no set date for any of these things, but it’s all part of my vision for Love Always, Vannessa. And I want to share that with you.

Keeping it simple, but as I progress with each idea, I will share more. But know that there is more to come. If there’s something you’d like me to include or something you’d like to add, please send me a message

  • In December 2022 I will officially be an Ordained Minister. Once I’m certified, I will be offering ceremonies; I will go into more detail when the time comes

  • At some point I will be offering classes, seminars, memberships, possibly even retreats

  • Publishing self development books for adults and children

  • Podcast

  • Merchandise

  • And more