Want to feel comfortable with being Single? And/or Are you ready to get back out there in the dating world? Are you trying to figure out how to date?
The idea of someone else completing you does not exist. You are whole as you are. And that’s a fact. Feeling comfortable with being single is about enjoying your own company and being happy with who you are. Knowing your worth and value.
Being in a relationship is about Partnership. You compliment one another’s already happy life. They’re not there to fill in a void, because you are already whole. You can balance one another out, be the yin to each other’s yang.
When you’re single while dating; knowing your worth and value, and what you want, allows you to be in a place where you give a chance to something with more substance instead of to just anything and everything [even though for some people that is how they learn what they want and don’t want, (but it helps when it’s done with intention.)] It allows you to know where to continue investing your time and emotions, it allows you to be open to giving a chance to things you wouldn’t have thought about giving a chance to before, it allows you to know when you’ve learned enough to make a decision to continue moving forward or not, and along the way learn more about yourself.
Think about how much more satisfying a relationship would be when you feel whole as you are, not depending on or putting the responsibility of your happiness on someone else.
A lot of people are afraid of ending up alone, so they go into relationships with fear, not love. But if you feel at peace with being single or being in a relationship, chances are you’ll find the right person for you. The important thing to remember is to have patience and trust.
There is no hurry. Everyone has their own pace, there is no age you have to be or do anything by. Your journey is your journey for a reason.
I help guide you to your heart to listen and figure out what you want and need, to be patient, to see and know your worth, to live authentically, find true genuine love within yourself for yourself, to have courage, inspire hope, and be happy and at peace with your love life, whether single or dating or in a long-term relationship
Are you in a relationship, and feeling like you need guidance? Are you struggling with communicating with each other?
Nurturing a relationship is important at every phase of a relationship. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together. It’s not something you can get lazy with.
Relationships take work. It’s two individuals coming together to unite their lives. There’s going to be things that come up. EVERY relationship struggles. The difference is how open and willing both individuals in the relationship are to work together. Relationships are not 50/50. Relationships are 100/100. Both need to put their 100%. People don’t fall out of love; they stop doing what they used to do. They get too “comfortable” and sometimes or a lot times they get lazy. And people grow over time, and that’s a good thing, but growing together is even better. When people grow, their communication styles can change. A lot of times things get lost in translation. The way one person interprets things may be different from how the other person expresses themselves. Amongst many things, communication, honesty, trust, and having a safe space are some of the most important things in a relationship.
Something else to think about: The Mindset goes a long way. For instance, rather than having the viewpoint of compromising or sacrificing, think about it more as what you agree on. Looking at it as compromising or sacrificing is a scarcity mindset, it’s focusing on what wasn’t included, on what “had” to be given up, but if you look at it as what you’re agreeing to, it has more of a “want to”, “happy to”, togetherness feel and approach to it. It makes a big difference.
If you think about what you “have to do”, what you “need to do”, it can feel like you’re obligated to do those things, but if you think about what you “get to do”, it feels like a choice, and like a privilege, it can feel more motivating and inspiring.
I help guide you to better understand the other person, to communicate more effectively with each other, how to support one another, heal through hurts, to be a team, and how to create a safe space for one another
Do you yearn for a good relationship with your Parents? Do you want a better relationship with your Kids? Are you afraid of being like your Parents with your own Kids? Do you want to find better ways to communicate?
Sometimes there is hope for your relationship with your Parents, if you are all willing to work on it. But more times than not, there is one that wants to work on it and another that doesn’t think they need to. Just because you understand someone better, doesn’t necessarily always make it any easier to get along with someone. Depending what your situation is, you either can work on the relationship, learn to communicate, forgive one another, etc or mourn the relationship, make peace with what the relationship is, the person is who they are and they don’t want to improve, compassionately understand that they did the best they could with what they knew and what they had, and at the capacity that they could.
Many of us are conditioned and taught that because a person is of blood relation, we're supposed to stay in each other's lives, and we’re supposed to take everything they throw at us, not set boundaries, but you know the saying "blood is thicker than water"? It comes from "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." It means family is the people we choose. Our chosen family. I'm using this explanation to help me explain it, so I'm quoting this from the Internet lol "This actually means that blood shed in battle bonds soldiers more strongly than simple genetics." Of course they're still important, and you can have strong bonds with family we're related to, but we need to set boundaries. So many Parents like to quote the Bible Verse that says “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’…” however, they don’t include the rest of the verse that says “…Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” Ephesians 6:1,4 (NIV) A relationship of any kind is a two way street.
Same thing if you have Children. It’s understandable you want to provide a better life for them than you had. You want better for them. And that’s wonderful! But remember, in order to do that for them, you need to heal the Little You inside you. Otherwise a lot of Parents get caught up in doing for their Children what they would have wanted their Parents to do for them, and forget to learn what their Children actually want and need. Yes, you were a child once, and your child(ren) might be a lot like you, but they are not you. They are still their own person. Your experience growing up can absolutely give you good insight, and help you be a better Parent, a good Parent, but if you haven’t healed your wounds from your past, you risk passing those on to your Children. Even when you do the complete opposite your Parents did. Generally speaking, a lot of people will go in one of two extremes. Either repeat history or go the complete opposite direction. But there’s a healthy balance.
Did you know by age eight, we already have our defense mechanisms in place?
I help guide you process your emotions, find your authentic self, communicate more effectively, figure out what you truly want out of your relationships, and provide you with different perspectives
Do you struggle with confidence? With believing in yourself? How’s your self-love? Can you genuinely say you love yourself? Do you fully accept who you are as a person? Do you want to be in a place where you do? Do you want to improve your self-talk?
You know, who for most people, has to work the hardest in order for you to let them love you? You. Weird how that works, huh? The very person who KNOWS what you need and want, and that’s the person that has to fight the hardest with you to let you love you.
So, why do you put up such a big fight with yourself? Ahh, that’s part of what we get to explore and heal.
A lot of times we are so tough on ourselves, because we’re trying to get ahead of everyone else that we feel judged by or that we are afraid will judge us, so we try to beat everyone else to it, mainly as a way to protect ourselves. We want to feel accepted, and avoid the criticism as much as we can, so we try to prevent that from happening by doing it ourselves first. But you know what? Not a single person on Earth can make every single person happy with them or have every single person accept them. Not even God Himself. And He is a Mighty Powerful Being that is All Knowing. Sooooo…when we put that into perspective and reflect on that reality, it gives us perspective on our reality. And then there’s the conditioning we’ve been through, the examples we’ve had (how people in our lives would speak out loud about themselves or their behavior we witnessed due to their low self-esteem), the things people would say about us (a lot of times, because of their own insecurities), and so a lot of times the things we hear other people say, becomes the voice we hear in our head…but it’s not our authentic voice.
Here’s the thing. Love is a choice. You get to choose to love yourself. To be that person for yourself. You know what you need. Be okay with providing it for yourself. Make choices that support that knowledge. Choose to love yourself. And the rest will follow.
I remind you to be gentle with yourself. The world outside of us is already so tough on us, why add to that?
I help guide you to stop putting up such a big fight with yourself, to a healthier self-esteem, to healthier self-talk, to hear your authentic voice, and to accept the wonderful you that you are
Are you aware you need to heal, but don’t know how to get through it? And are seeking guidance?
Sometimes we just need a little support and guidance, and validation that we’re going in the right direction, especially when this is new territory, but even if it’s familiar territory, we still need those things to get through it, so we don’t feel so alone, and so we can keep going. It's so hard when we know our path, and the people around us just don't understand, and to top it off, they put us down. Remember, it's really a reflection of them, their insecurities, their jealousy, their hopelessness, etc. But even so, it can still feel rather lonely when we’re not surrounded by like-minded people in terms of growth and support.
Thing to remember is, we know what we're supposed to be doing, and just because there's people that can't see it or understand, and are led by their limiting beliefs and try to put those on us, there's other people that do get it, and are supportive. And as long as you know, that's all that matters. The people that will help you move through your life will arrive when you need them. Perhaps that’s what brought you here?
It doesn't happen over night, but step-by-step you’ll get there. Sometimes just knowing what direction to head towards is all you need...and the rest falls into place. The biggest thing to remember though…is to trust…trust that things will work out the way they’re suppose to. Trust your heart’s guidance.
I help guide you through a wHolistic manner to and through your healing. I’m here to guide you, keep you accountable, and to support you through your healing journey
Are you feeling lost? You know there’s something you want to do/be, but you don’t quite know what it is? Are you trying to figure out what that feeling is?
Perhaps it's the seed that has been planted that can now be nurtured.
Following a map doesn’t always get you where you need to be. How many times have things gone a different way, and because of the detours you end up finding the beautiful scenic route, or find something you didn’t even know you were looking for?
I know sometimes it’s easier said than done; but try not to fear being lost. It’s actually kind of a fun place to be in life, if you really think about it. You tend to venture out of your comfort zone more, and get all explorative, adventurous, and stuff.
The being lost part…a lot of times that’s when we discover what we’ve been looking for and sometimes we end up finding what we didn’t even know we were looking for. Which makes sense, because you’re – well…exploring. And you just happen to find and discover things. Because you’re being open, spontaneous, adventurous!
Truth is, the answers are already inside you, It’s just a matter of listening. Your heart knows; are you listening?
I help guide you to get to a place where you can hear what your heart is trying to communicate with you, and how to get you to a place where you feel courageous to follow your heart. To trust your heart’s guidance. To follow your heart, AND take your brain with you