Your Worth is Priceless


"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life." - (credited to) John Lennon

There's nothing wrong with wanting material things, having a certain job, etc, but I feel like a lot of people forget about the essence of life, what it means to liiiiive, and this quote perfectly sums it up.  Work to live, not live to work.  What does happy really mean, you know? It's a feeling that comes when we're fulfilling our life's purpose, living our truth, our heart's desires. Investing in yourself is one of the best investments you can make.

I want you to know you are important, what you say matters, your feelings matter, and you are my main focus, so I do not like looking at the time. However, for both our schedules I need to keep track of time somehow. Please know that is the only reason why I must do this; not because there’s somewhere else more important I need to be or because you are boring me. It’s the contrary, I want to hear and know everything you want to share. But time can go by so fast. So, I ask what your preference is to accomplish that. Either, continually checking the time or set an alarm. If you are in the middle of a thought, expression, feeling, please know I do not end the session there, but we know what time it is, and can decide what to do from there. This is a safe space

The Investment

  • First Session

    I require the first session to always be a minimum of 2 hours. It gives us time to talk about what your goals are, your answers to the form I have you fill out prior to this session, and for you to fill me in on who you are, your experiences, what’s brought you to this point in your life, and whatever else comes up. We figure out where it is that you most seek guidance in, what we’ll be working on moving forward, and so forth.

    This gives you an opportunity to see what it’s like to work with me. And get a sense of what would be the best route (hourly or pre-purchasing packages.) During the first session I can generally tell how long we’ll need each session to be moving forward, and I can tell as time goes on when that amount of time needs to be reduced or extended for future sessions; which I communicate with you, and get feedback from you if you feel you’d like to stay with or change the length of time of your sessions. Sometimes sessions are one hour, sometimes two hours. Depending where you are in your journey. I’ve had sessions go up to five hours. Not every session, but some sessions do require more time. Again, it just really depends on the person and where they are in their journey. Some weeks are tougher than others, some weeks are smoother. It’s important to remain open and be flexible.

    Because it’s the first session, and we’re figuring things out, first sessions are at a discount.


    At the end of the session we discuss if you’d like to continue working with me, and if the answer is yes, how you’d like to continue (hourly or pre-purchasing hours)

  • Hourly (Pay As You Go)


    Payment is made no later than 48 hours prior to your scheduled session.

    Generally sessions are scheduled weekly. With pay as you go, you can make appointments as early as 1 month prior to the date you’d like.

    If we both have time and you’d like to extend your session in that moment, because the time you reserved is completed, we can do so. As you trust me to guide you and provide a safe space for you in your sessions, I trust you that you will follow through in paying for the additional time at the completion of the session. If you do not follow through I will no longer offer that option unless you pre-purchase the hours

  • Packages (Pre-Purchased Hours)

    Packages (Pre-Purchased Hours) are discounted from the pay as you go hourly rate, and starts at a minimum of 3 months worth of hours. I keep track of the time with an excel sheet that has the package information (the number of hours pre-purchased), the date of the session, the begin time of the session, the completion time of the session, the total hours, and I have you sign or initial at the completion of each session, so that it’s clear and up to date

    As mentioned in the Hourly section; if we both have time and you’d like to extend your session in that moment, because the time you reserved is completed, we can do so. In this case since you have pre-purchased hours, that time will be applied. If you’ve run out of pre-purchased hours, and want to extend the time, for that session, I will honor the package hourly rate. Payment being for the additional time at the completion of the session

    Generally sessions are scheduled weekly. Because you are pre-purchasing the time, you can schedule appointments as early as you’d like for the length of the package. Or you can schedule as you go. I recommend scheduling at least one month at a time, if you do not want to schedule appointments too far in advance

    Packages are tailored to you. During your first session, we will discuss how you will like to move forward, if you choose to go with a package (pre-purchase hours), I will customize a package for you based on what your sessions will need to be, and let you know the options available. if you choose hourly (pay as you go), and later change your mind to pre-purchase hours, you can do so, and I will customize a package for you based on what your sessions will need to be, and let you know the options available.

    If you’d like to purchase the Up to 7 Hours Package (Previously known as the “Unlimited Hours Package”); that is $580.00 for however long the one session goes (maximum of seven hours). Because I need to clear the day, and make sure I do not have other appointments that day, this appointment must be made at least one month in advance. If availability is open for something sooner than one month, exceptions can be made.

These are the current rates and are subject to change

I set my time aside for you. Both our times are valuable. If you absolutely must cancel or reschedule, I ask that you please do so within 24 hours of your scheduled session. Though I have never done so, I too am human and if I must reschedule, which would be very rare, if at all, I will let you know with as much time as I possibly can, but I will provide you with the same courtesy of at least 24 hours notice.

If you no show the day of the session; please understand that I’ve set that time aside for you, time other clients could have scheduled an appointment, time I could have spent with family/loved ones, time I could have gotten other things done, time I cannot get back; the payment for the time that was set aside for the session you have no showed, that payment will not be transferable or refunded. Payment will still be applied to that session time.