Just a reminder...THIS IS YOUR JOURNEY TO IT! It’s all part of it. Trust and Faith; is all you need. And that self love to help you through it. I can’t stress this enough; show yourself some love through it all. Be that loving supportive friend to yourself.
I know it can be tough to see that something amazing is coming when you just don’t feel like you can catch a break. But, you’re being prepared for something great, and when it arrives you’ll know. And you’ll be grateful for everything that led to that moment. All that was necessary for you to be in a place to receive and be prepared to move forward the way you need to. There’s no question things get rough in life. But that’s part of living. That’s what movies are made of, plot twists and turns, and the getting to the goal. If they just got to the destination with a snap of a finger, there’d be no movie, no story. And how many times have we heard “it’s all about the journey”? AND experienced for ourselves the adventure OF the journey TO the destination? A lot of times it’s the best part! The laughs and heartbreaks that come along with it. ALL of it! It’s a beautiful mess. It’s all about perspective, and how you view things. When you see the beauty in everything, you will find it.
“God did not bring you this far to leave you” Steve Harvey says that’s what his Mom would tell him. And it’s true. You just need to genuinely trust Him (God). All in God’s timing. And God doesn’t wear a watch. He does things when He feels you’re ready for it. He gives you little affirmations, listen with your heart, you’ll see them, and feel them.
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein Steve Harvey talks about this quote, and added “When you imagine things, it’s actually God showing you a preview of a coming attraction He has for you. That’s what your imagination is.” And when you share those visions with people who don’t understand and put limits on you based on their perception, remember, “They couldn’t see it, because God didn’t put it in their imagination, He put it in yours. It was your evidence of things not seen.” (Also said by Steve Harvey)
You don’t need validation from individuals who don’t get it. This is YOUR journey, not theirs. You know how they say “don’t look for love in all the wrong places”? Well, don’t look for validation in all the wrong places either
You got this
Love you always.
Love Always,